DIY : Chest Rub

by - Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Previous lesson during YL Oilylicious Takes Kuching. Chest Rub is for flu & cough for kids. So proceed to the ingredients :-

Coconut Oil - 1 cup
Beeswax - 2 tbsp
R.C Young Living - 10 drops
Peppermint Young Living - 10 drops
Tea Tree Young Living - 10 drops
Eucalyptus Radiata - 10 drops

Instruction :-

1. Melt the beeswax together with coconut oil in double boiler until just melted.
2. Add the Essential Oils of Young Living.
3. Stir until well mixed.
4. Pour in container with a lid.

Taraaaaaa.....................perfect texture of chest rub. Also can rub at muscle pain for us too.

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